Thursday, August 9, 2012

an about the creator

Cagayake! GIRLS

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 so looking back i realize never did a proper "about me" so here are some stuff about me
1) i like anime, you should know that sometimes
2) i get angry pretty easy
3) believe it or not i'm prone to diabetes, my grandpa has it i think, my dad and brother are also prone
4) i like daft punk, don't like dub step, like japanese anime music, and michael jackson
5) sometimes i know i am annoying to people but i just keep on talking even though i am killing the person with boredom.
6) i'm terrible at video games
7) i get embarrassed/nervous a little easy, and i always find ways out of things
8) i'm a pretty nice guy if you know me pretty well
9) i like audio work
10) i like manga
11) i have 15 mangas (one of them is an onimbus)
12) i can be really annoying to the point you want to punch me in the face
13) i have a 3ds, fc anyone?
14) i am very sentimental toward some of my stuff in my room
15) i like sweet things, i have a yui moment every time i eat a sweet :3(for the record i'm like 5 foot 7-ish  and 160-ish lbs so, i'm not a fat otaku alright >:(   thanks ^^  )
16) i like making movies( or at least think about making one)
17) i'll take marvel movies over dc movies any day
18) i'm 14
19) i use a guitar hero mic for all my recordings
20) i like the feeling when i'm scared and/or nervous
21) i hate when people/friends associate anime with perverted things, i don't understand it.
22) i like to think about the future sometimes.
23) i love the legend of zelda! music(most epic video game music i ever hears) and the games!
24) i do not have a cellphone
25) some people call me panda(don't know why)
26) i like food :3
there 24 things about me. happy? no, well then that's your problem!
Now it's 1:20-ish am, good night ^^

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